WeTrain was created because too often I saw athletes go completely broke without results. This had to and can be done differently! Stop moving, start exercising comes from our philosophy that you can get results in a short time if you learn the right techniques and know how to get the right nutrients.
The team
Our team consists of certified teachers with a background in sports, physiotherapy, nutrition, coaching and yoga. This allows us to properly coach and guide our customers both physically and mentally.
Together we ensure that you can create a fine balance that is realistic and sustainable in the long term. We want to give you lasting and effective results and together we hope to achieve that with you!

Rick de Bont
Owner WeTrain & Personal Trainer
My whole life has been devoted to sports, with football as my greatest passion. The CIOS in Arnhem was therefore an obvious choice for me. There I eventually came into contact with the Fitness and Health industry and I was immediately sold! Through Fitland and Achmea Health Center I eventually ended up at Healthcity, where I worked for 6 years as a Fitness Manager and Personal Trainer.
Four years ago I thought it was time to start my own business. From my profession as a Personal Trainer I wanted to work out my own vision and help people to achieve their goals through training, coaching and nutrition. This eventually resulted in WeTrain! An all-round concept in which I make effective training possible for smaller groups, so that there is sufficient attention for all participants.
The concept stands for training together, helping each other and thus connecting. WeTrain is a community in which the slogan is always leading: STOP MOVING, START TRAINING!

Femke van den Broek
Physiotherapist & Trainer
Since childhood I have been interested in sports and exercise. For a long time I played handball at a reasonable level and I really loved it. Especially the team feeling, going for something together! You get a bit older and there are more obligations and I went looking for a different interpretation of sport. I went through a lot of gyms until I ended up at WeTrain. What I I have found again at WeTrain the feeling of togetherness and the minimal going to the max.
As a physiotherapist, I am happy to see that during the WeTrain training sessions there is a lot of coaching on technique and execution. This is essential in my view. As a trainer at WeTrain I hope to be able to motivate you to a healthy and active lifestyle. In which you are challenged a little more during the training and go beyond your limits than if you would train yourself. Responsible and through good explanation and coaching! Let's go!

Manon Wouters
MSc Health Food Innovation
Food is the fuel for our body. How you eat determines the results you get from your training! After 6 years of studies in nutrition, I know everything about healthy eating. With this knowledge and my passion for nutrition and sports I will help you to get the very best results from your training!
I am available 24/7 to answer all your questions and I will also teach you more about nutritional topics that are essential for a healthy lifestyle in various workshops.

Iris Hamelink
Trainer & Communication WT
At WeTrain, two passions come together for me: sport and communication. During my studies I enjoyed working as a dancer and dance teacher. When I started my first office job, I knew immediately that a full-time sedentary job would not be for me! In addition to my work as a communication advisor, I started following courses in meditation, coaching and eventually I started my yoga training in Bali. In the meantime I still work part-time as a communication consultant and in the rest I am involved in teaching, retreats and further training.
Within WeTrain I teach mobility & yoga and I am involved behind the scenes with communication and new developments. The lessons are tailored to the training courses to optimally support the WeTrain program.

From an early age I have been brimming with energy and I am a big student. I have always combined this with great pleasure, by exercising a lot and delving into all the associated matter. My passion is to help people develop with my knowledge, experiences and appearance. That makes me happy to stand in front of a group and help you achieve your goals. I like to strengthen WeTrain by creating energy, motivation and enthusiasm among all members.
In addition to my work, I trained and coached a women's hockey team at OranjeRood for four years. This has taught me a lot about training a group, the difference in needs of individuals and per moment. Giving training at WeTrain was a perfect next step for me after I decided to develop further within my passion.